Michel Groleau, President
Michel joined the company in 1988 and is the representative of the third generation of the Groleau family at Continental Machinery. He follows his father, Gilles, who was president from 1985 to 2005. Gilles had taken over from his own father, Louis-Philippe, who had founded the company in 1941.
At Continental Machinery, all our efforts are geared to make the buying and after-sales service experience as enjoyable as possible for all of our customers.
It all begins with identifying as clearly as possible the customers’ needs by validating the application, and is achieved with our complete line of high quality machines, all offered at very competitive prices. It also includes the best warranty in the industry, as well as the best after sales service, which is achieved, among other things, with prices that include delivery to the customer’s place of business and the inital set-up of the machines that include operation, adjustment and maintenance tips by one of our five highly qualified technicians.
The members of our team make all humanly possible efforts to satisfy our customers, and the experience has proven that we succeed very well, as all our cutomers are loyal to the company. Our customers are our best reference in the market. For each and every machine that a prospect considers buying from Continental Machinery, we offer a complete list of actual users of similar machines and invite them to get in touch with these users. Upon appointment, we also offer our customers the possibility to try the machine in our 8000 square feet showroom and therefore see by themselves their quality of construction and ease of operation.
Pierre Gauvin, Vice-President
Pierre has joined the company in 2002, after having worked during nine years at C.E. Cabinets in Laval, one of Canada’s largest kitchen cabinets manufacturer. His mandate with Continental Machinery was to develop new markets by finding new products that reflected the newer technologies. His efforts payed-off well, as our company is now exclusive distributor for the following products: TECNOMA production edgebanders, PAOLONI sliding table panel saws and conventional machinery, MASTERWOOD and TECHNO CNC machining centers, QUICK WOOD rotary brush sanders, STRIEBIG vertical panel saws, CTD cut-off saws, CONQUEST drilling machines, etc…
The experience Pierre gained at C.E. Cabinets allows him to always validate clearly the customer’s needs and therefore reccomend the right machine.
It is for all these reasons that Continental Machinery has been experiencing such great sales success in recent years.
Jacques Bassbous
After obtaining his Mechanical Engeneering degree at the University of Bordeaux in France, Jacques joined the company in April 2015 as a technical advisor and as technicien. During his studies, Jacques completed an Intership at Groupe Mécachrome and another one at Renault car manufacturer. Following his degree, he gained advanced knowledge on the maintenance and the functioning of wood-working machinery while working for five years as a Production-Maintenance Engineer at a SCM distributor. One of his biggest qualities is his implication, he does everything he can in order to satisfy our customers and he is always available to solve any problems at any time.
Subcontractor technicians
Camille Côté, TECHPRO Service, St-Étienne-de-Lévis. Spécialiste des plaqueuses de chants
Jules Guénette, Jules Electro-Mec, Valleyfield, Spécialiste pour les plaqueuse de chants, scies à chariot et à poutre
Frédéric Beaulieu, Solutions Multi-Tech, Beloeil, Spécialiste des Centres d’usinage et de tout autre équipement à contrôle numérique
Daniel Grisé, dangrise inc., St-Bruno, Spécialiste pour les plaqueuses, scies à chariot et à poutre, sableuses, etc…
Jean Lapointe, Larobotique, Drummondville, CNC, plaqueuses de chants, scies à chariot et à poutre, scies verticales
André et Marcel Hofferman, Max-Rim, spécialiste pour le bois solide
Arthur Brosseau, SCM, spécialiste CNC
Patrice Comeau, Les Services PCM, St-Flavien, Spécialiste scies à panneau verticales